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Stallholder information

Ganmain market

Our market is a wonderful twilight market set in our main street, Ford Street, Ganmain which is closed off to traffic for the event.

Our market has a festival like atmosphere with children's entertainment and showcases local producers, artisan, designers and entertainers.

Ganmain Market stall sites are by application only and it is up to the discretion of the Advance Ganmain Market Committee to select stalls that fit within our market criteria. It is in the interest of all our stall holders and customers that we do not have too many of the same type of stalls at our markets. This ensures a succesful day for our stallholders and an enjoyable experience for our customers.​



Cayley Tonacia - stall holder coordinator
Mobile:  0427836492


HOW TO APPLY for a site

Stalholder sites at Ganmain Market are by application only.  If you would like to apply to attend our market please email and request an application form.  


Site fees

Indoor sites are located in the Ganmain Hall.

Additional sites are available outside the hall under the verandah eaves along the street and in our paved and grassed precinct near the creek.


Site Fees:

  • Non-powered site $40

  • Powered site $50*

  • Table Hire:  $5 per table

  • Public Liability Insurance:  $25 per market


*If you have requested power for your site you must supply your own leads and connections and comply with relevant safety standards.


Payment for your site

Once succesful, you will be notified of your fees and payment is to be made by direct deposit by the date specified.  

Please use your stallholder name when making the payment. Please note your site is not secured until payment has been made.



If you have a site booked with the Ganmain Market and find you will no longer be able to attend please notify us immediately.


If you notify us at least 30 days prior to the day of the market and the market is full and we are able to rebook your position we will refund your fees and only retain a $10 administration fee.  If we do not fill your position your fee will not be refunded except in exceptional circumstances and at our discretion.


If you advise us of your cancellation within 30 days of the day of the market but not less than 14 days and if the market is full and we can rebook your position we will refund 50% of your fees less the $10 administration fee.  If we do not fill your position your fee will not be refunded except in exceptional circumstances and at our discretion.


Fees will not be refunded if you advise us of your cancellation within 14 days of the day of the market.


Fees will not be refunded if you do not turn up on market day.



Stallholders must hold a current Certificate of Currency for Public Liability. A copy of your Certificate of Currency must be given to Ganmain Market via email prior to the market day.


We can cover market stalls on our Coolamon Shire Council Public Liability Insurance policy at a cost of $25 per market.  

The cover arranged by Ganmain Markets will cover your 3m x 3m space for public liability for the hours of trade only.


FOOD Stalls

Stall holders selling food must comply with the Food Act 2003 and the Food Standard Code.

Please send your current food handling certficate to



  • It is your responsibility to ensure that you conform to any Australian Standards (ACCC) pertaining to your products.  Ganmain Market will not be held accountable for any trademark, copyright or safety infringement.

  • You must have read and understood the mandatory safety standards applicable to your products and labelling.  You can check this at http:/

  • You are responsible for the security of your products and Ganmain Market holds no responsibility for any damage or loss of product.

  • You take full responsibility for your products, props, and other resources while in transit.

  • Ganmain Market does not hold any responsibility for product damage, personal injury, stolen items, customer returns/credits or shop cash flow.



  • Be considerate of other stallholders and help where you can.

  • Raffle tickets may not be sold unless pre-approved by Ganmain Market.

  • Ganmain Market accepts no responsibility for damages to persons or goods.

  • Tents, Marquees and covers must be secured at all times. Pegs/ropes must not go onto pathways.

  • Each stallholder is to clean area and remove rubbish from their site.

  • All stalls must be safely displayed and signs are to be confined to the stall site and pathways must be kept clear for patrons.

  • Markets are advertised as 4pm-8.00pm. Stallholders must remain available to customers until 8.00pm unless they have sold all their goods, an emergency occurs or prior arrangements have been made.

  • All vehicles must be removed form Ford and Wright Streets by 3pm. 

  • All vendors must comply with appropriate labelling regulations and acquire the necessary licenses (eg. For wine sales) or permits for selling or producing their products. Copies of these licenses must be given to the Market Co-Ordinator prior to selling at Market.

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